The Directorate General of Currency and Foreign Financial Relations, under the authority of its Director General, is the technical organ which assists the Minister in the discharge of his duties on issues of currency and foreign financial relations.
The Directorate General of Currency and Foreign Financial Relations is made of:
6 operational directorates at the national level:
The Directorate of currency and capital markets;
The Directorate of foreign financial relations;
The Directorate of forecasting and statistics;
The Directorate of regulation and litigations;
The Directorate of service control;
The Directorate of administrative and financial affairs.
And relay municipal directorates in the regions.
All these directorates benefit from a daily logistic support:
From the executive secretariat, charged with the management of correspondence, data processing and reprography and treatment of other administrative documents;
From the computer service which defines computer needs, organises technical resources on computerised sites and manages the exploitation, maintenance and assistance of applications.
The Directorate General of Currency and Foreign Financial Relations is specifically charged with:
Participating in the drawing up and follow up of monetary programming;
Participating, with concerned public administrations, in the drafting, negotiation and follow-up of funding agreements and conventions;
Analysing and following up the evolution of monetary and financial markets;
Drawing up the score card of the monetary situation;
Studying and analysing innovating measures for monetary creation;
Sensitising economic agents on the existence of sub-regional financial markets and encouraging to participate in these markets;
Following up monetary and financial integration;
Drawing up the quarterly monetary situation of Congo.