First Tour of the Minister of Finance in the Financial Departments of Sangha

Calixte Nganongo: “I discovered a lot of things!”
15 fév, 2019

The tour of Calixte Nganongo, Minister of Finance and Budget, in the Sangha division, led him, for the first time, to visit the structures under tutelage, from 14 to 15 February 2019.  Especially, Customs, Tax and the Treasury departments in the cities of Pokola, Ouesso and Ngombé. 


In Pokola, the internet connexion is disrupted. This prevents the smooth functioning of the one-stop clearance office (GUD). The Minister did not fail to visit the factory of the Congolese industrial logging company(CIB-Olam), the main client of this GUD, along with its Managing Director, Christian Schwarz.  

In Ouesso, The rental building which houses the divisional Directorate of Treasury is in a state of disrepair and is not spacious. The same observation has been made at the divisional Directorate of tax, which is in a rental building. 

The main Ouesso Customs office is in a full rehabilitation and it shares the same enclosure with the Account Department for various Taxes. The only satisfaction of the Minister is the building which houses the GUD of Ouesso, the divisional Department of Budget of Sangha (DDBS) and the divisional Directorate of the Budget Control (DDCBS). 

In Ngombé, Calixte Nganongo and his delegation met with the Managing director of the Ouesso Forestery Industry (IFO),Pascal Desmet, who is the main client of GUD of this locality, IFO has asked the Minister of Finance to renegotiate certain Contracts and Agreements which have come to an end.  

At the end of this tour, the Minister of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo, made the following point: « I discovered a lot of things! I had the occasion to see on the spot how it goes. And there is a lot of work. It is just normal. We are here for that ». That is to sayworking to find solutions. BecauseThe Administration aims to make life convenient and people happy”, said a renowned French author. 

Note that the Sangha division is the Congo’s second economic hub in terms of tax and customs revenue after the division of Pointe-Noire.


The press Office of the Ministry of Finance