Presentation of the Executive Bureau of the Trade Union section C.S.T.C-FE.NA.TREF of the Directorate General of Customs and Indirect Taxation (DGDDI)

Guénolé Mbongo Koumou urges the new trade union team to work in partnership with the Customs Administration
26 mar, 2019

The Director General of Customs and Indirect Taxation, Guénolé Mbongo Koumou, received, Tuesday 26 March 2019 in Brazzaville, the new Executive Bureau of the trade union section of the trade union Confederation of Congo- National Federation of financial workers (C.S.T.C-FE.NA.TREF), led by Elaut Bellot-Bellard, Secretary General of CSTC- FE.NA.TREF.


This Executive Bureau is made up of 13 members. It comes from the Extraordinary General Assembly of 17 December 2018, and led by Paul Moudienguélé, secretary general in charge of guidance, coordination and control. 

During this meeting, which was attended by the central directors and heads of service of DGDDID, the Director General of Customs and Indirect Taxation, reassured the trade unionists, on behalf of the Administration, to count on his support, in order to create good working conditions and find solutions together. “We must consolidate everything that has been achieved in recent years. The climate of appeasement is needed. The future of this Administration depends on team work. Let us consolidate our forces!” he urged.

I take this opportunity to sincerely thank Mr. the Director General of Customs and Indirect Taxation for his personal involvement in making this meeting successful. Let him find a secure partner in our structure. I assure the Customs workers of my availability and that of my entire team to defend the interests of workers and to protect the working tool”,Paul Moudienguélé promised.


The Press office of the Ministry of Finance