Insurance : ARC campaign at Ouenze - now granting compensation and looking for customers who suffered casualties

26 juil, 2018

The compensation is for all claim holders covered by ARC and who experienced road accidents, fire or other casualties, who have been partly compensated or not.

More than ten claim holders or so came forward to the cashiers to pick up their cheques. Among them was Ms. Ontse Colette who had a road accident in 2007, which occurred  between Inoni falaise and Inoni Plateau on the  main road Nº 2, and during which she broke her two collarbones. She got her cheque from the director of production and  development, Aude Vaya,  the amount of which was not mentioned. She said  it was a relief for her, as she got compensation 11 years after the accident.

The operation was considered as "something new" by the director of production and development , Aude Vaya, because ARC simultaneously launched the campaign of compensation and search for casualty victims throughout the country" he said. As a consequence, a green phone number has been created for casualty victims. The number is 7575.

" Following the launching of the operation at the head office of ARC on May 18th, 2018, the borough of Bacongo  on June 29, 2018 and Pointe Noire, we seize this opportunity  here  to remind the public that  ARC is paying all previous or new claims" said Judicael Princelie. Mabika, director in charge of claims.


Press Department of the  Ministry of Finance.