Awareness Raising Seminar on Risk Management and the Reminder of Ethical Rules

Tax officials trained on ethical rules
14 juin, 2022

The Director General of Taxation and Estates, Ludovic Itoua, launched on Tuesday 14 June 2022 in Brazzaville, the awareness raising seminar on risk management and the reminder of ethical rules. This seminar brought together directors and heads of central services, heads of structures and their assistants. 

As part of implementing the Public Finance Reform Support Project (PARFIP), the Ministry of Finance, Budget and Public Portfolio is working to modernize the internal audit function and to promote an internal control approach in the financial authorities. “Support for the reform includes an important dimension of change management (both in the work practices of the agents and their professional cultures, their relationship to ethics, deontology and risk management). To achieve this, a series of activities will be implemented. In particular, training, the drafting of manuals of procedure for risk mapping and process mapping”, Ludovic Itoua said.

 The Director General of Taxation and Estates took the opportunity to ask his collaborators to internalize the training. "I invite you to be attentive, to draw the maximum useful lessons to improve your management methods in your respective structures”, he underscored.

PARFIP’s Main Axes

“The project is structured around two main axes, following the example of the General Inspectorate of Finance with which we are working, both on the modernization of its organization and on the professionalization of its missions. In particular, the mission of developing skills. The second aspect concerns the Financial Authorities: the impetus of a risk management approach. The objective is to make the process as secure as possible, thanks to a number of tools, in order to set up an organization that is very specific”, said Laurent Dumathrat, PARFIF long-term expert and trainer at the seminar.

PARFIP is a project launched in 2019 by the Congolese authorities to support the dynamism of reforms. This project started in 2021, and will last two years. It focuses on the implementation of an effective risk management system within various services and departments of the Ministry of Finance, Budget and Public Portfolio.


The Press Office of the Ministry of Finance