Communication from the Inspector General of Finance for the attention of employers' organizations

18 Jan, 2023
Managers or representatives:
  • the Employers’ and Interprofessional Union of Congo (UNICONGO);
  • the National Union of Economic Operators of Congo (UNOC);
  • the Collective of Economic Operators of Congo (COPECO);
  • the General Confederation of Employers of Congo (COGEPACO);
  • the Syndicate of Bosses of Congo;
  • of the Congress of Business Leaders of Congo (CCEC).
  • Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests.
I send you all my compliments for the promptness you have shown in responding to this invitation despite the demands of your schedules, which we know to be full;
First of all, I would like to wish you all, as well as your respective families, my best wishes for health, prosperity, happiness and full success in your endeavours.
Happy New Year 2023.
Ladies and gentlemen ;
Our communication today aims to fix the beneficiaries of social claims pending payment to the Public Treasury, for the year 2022, on the following points:
  • the context of the establishment of the commission responsible for validating social expenditure, pending payment, for the 2022 financial year;
  • the objectives of the committee;
  • the scope of work.
Indeed, on December 30, 2022 the World Bank disbursed the first tranche of budget support, amounting to 50.400 million euros, or 33,000,000,000 CFA francs, under the program signed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). A report on the use of these funds must be produced at the end of this quarter. The use of these funds must comply with the requirements of the said program, in particular the non-accumulation of arrears and the priority payment of social expenditure.
Thus, this budget support is allocated to the payment of social expenditure.
As of December 24, 2022, expenditure awaiting payment to the Public Treasury amounted to 160,513,508,506 FCFA, including 60,885,869,122 FCFA of social expenditure including the "Lisungui" social safety net project for an amount of 8,654,134,000 FCFA. having experienced no payment under the State budget for the 2022 financial year.
In order to guarantee the proper use of these funds and to ensure that the real beneficiaries are paid, the Minister of Economy and Finance has transmitted these expenses to the General Inspectorate of Finance for validation before payment. .
To do this, the Minister of Economy and Finance, set up, by memorandum n°0071/MEF-CAB of January 05, 2023, a commission responsible for validating social expenditure for the 2022 financial year. , pending payment to the Public Treasury.
This committee aims to:
  • verify the regularity and sincerity of the said expenses;
  • verify the effectiveness of the service performed.
The work of the commission effectively started on January 12, 2023 and will run for a period of twenty (20) days.
I would now like to enlighten you on the approach adopted by the commission, in the context of the validation of claims.
The committee proceeds to:
  • a documentary check to ensure the regularity and sincerity of debts;
  • an on-site check, which concerns the verification of the effectiveness of the service provided.
As the files are processed, the commission will send the relevant results to the Minister of the Economy and Finance, together with a technical opinion on the validation or invalidation of the claims processed.
These verifications concern the beneficiaries of the following receivables:
  • life annuities;
  • medical evacuations;
  • hospitalization costs;
  • burial costs;
  • costs of repatriation of mortal remains;
  • death benefit expenses;
  • goods and services of public entities with a social vocation;
  • staff costs (salaries, allowances, emoluments, etc.);
  • subsidies from public entities with a social vocation;
  • expenses related to humanitarian actions;
  • education-related expenses (scholarships, school returns, organization of state competitions, school canteens, academic fees, etc.).
  • Finally, in terms of communication, an effort was made to inform interested parties through the public and private media and by posting the lists of beneficiaries, the press release and the work schedule in all directions.
To this end, the commission, anticipating a large influx, requested security support from the police. However, she notes a weak enthusiasm in spite of this communication.
After five (5) days, out of a target of approximately 1030 claims, only 9% of beneficiaries showed up.
I invite you, therefore, to relay to your respective union members, beneficiaries of social spending for greater mobilization within the time limit.
I thank you for your kind attention.
Sub Category:FINANCES