Guénolé MBONGO KOUMOU, Director general
Guénolé MBONGO KOUMOU, Director general


The Directorate General of Customs and Indirect Taxes, under the authority of its Director General, is the technical organ which assists the Minister in the discharge of his duties on issues of customs and indirect taxes.


The Directorate General of Customs and Indirect Taxes is made of:

  • National operational directorates:

    • The Directorate of regulation and litigations;

    • The Directorate of forecasting and statistics;

    • The Directorate of customs investigation;

    • The Directorate of customs surveillance;

    • The Directorate of service control;

    • The Directorate of administrative and financial affairs.

  • And municipal directorates.

All these directorates benefit from a daily logistic support:

  • From the executive secretariat, charged with the management of correspondence, data processing and reprography and treatment of other administrative documents;

  • From the computer service which defines computer needs, organises technical resources on computerised sites and manages the exploitation, maintenance and assistance of applications.


The Directorate General of Customs and Indirect Taxes is specifically charged with:

  • Providing the State with customs revenue;

  • Fighting against all illicit trafficking, import and export of illicit goods;

  • Conceiving and proposing customs regulations and ensuring its application;

  • Ensuring, in collaboration with concerned public administrations, the application of regulations on policy, health, public hygiene, change and environmental protection;

  • Participating in the drafting of regulations on external trade;

  • Handling export and import of goods and ensuring the regularity of trade transactions at the borders;

  • Preparing, in collaboration with other concerned administrations, statistics on external trade, maritime navigation and international transport and ensuring their dissemination;

  • Ensuring the application of international customs instruments adhered to by Congo;

  • Conceiving and proposing regulations on facilitation of international trade and safeguarding of logistic chain;

  • Processing requests for accreditation to the profession of customs agent;

  • Ensuring the execution of verification programmes for import and export of goods by inspection companies;

  • Ensuring implementation of recommendations and resolutions made by regional and international institutions on customs issues.