EITI-Congo presents the SYSCORE software to its partners

12 Jun, 2018

The executive chairman of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Congo, Florent Michel Okoko, presented the SYSCORE software «system of reconciliation of revenues from the extractive industries sector» to its partners.

The presentation took place on Tuesday, June 12, 2018  in the meeting room of the Ministry of Finance and Budget in Brazzaville in the presence of the director of the Information system department of the same Ministry, Guy Noel Londongo, the representatives of oil, forest and mining  companies and  tax and  customs officers.

«The software is based on EITI-CONGO reconciliation mechanisms and will enable companies and various administrations to register their customs declaration by way of a computer  tool instead of filling out forms as was the case in the past. From now on, declarations will be made monthly and not annually. They will all be stored in a data base  of the Ministry of Finance and Budget. This is a time gain as regard the management of information related to the extractive industry sector. The acquisition of the software is an advantage as it gives the conciliator or  the independent administrator of EITI the information previously validated by State relevant services», said  Michel Okoko, EITI adviser of the Minister of Finance du Budget, honourable Calixte Nganongo

After some changes were made, among which the finalization of the user's manual, the application  will be operational in July 2018. The public will only have to visit the website  of the Ministry of  Finance, the information system director said.  

It is worth mentioning that the computerization of the State services is for protecting and ensuring transparency of public revenue.

Press department of the Ministry of Finance

Sub Category:EITI