The Director General of Customs and Indirect Taxes (DGDDI), Guénolé Mbongo Koumou, and the Acting Director General of the Congolese Shippers' Council (CCC), Séraphin Mouendzi, signed Tuesday, May 21, 2019, in Brazzaville, a Memorandum of Understanding on the Control and Tracking of international traffic in goods, just after the document has been reviewed and adopted by the experts from both Directorates.
During this ceremony, the two Directorates agreed to revise the Memorandum of Understanding, signed on 13 December 2000, to strengthen their collaborative framework for tracking and controlling International Cargo Traffic through the Electronic Cargo Tracking Slip (CGS).
This document issued by the Directorate General of Congolese Chippers' Council (CCC) for the purpose of identification, monitoring and supervision of international traffic, statistics, control of transport costs and related services, as well as the traceability of goods, reduces the risk of documentary fraud and allows the customs services to verify the authenticity of the document.
Through this partnership, the Directorate General of Congolese Shippers' Council undertakes among other things to: require the shipper’s card pursuant to Section 6 of Decree 98-39 of 29 January 1998 on organising and regulating maritime traffic to and from Congo; ensure the release of information necessary for the proper functioning of the system of traffic monitoring and supervision, both at the level of importers, exporters, economic operators and auxiliary operators of maritime transport, as well as at the level of customs services; periodically forward the list of countries from which BICs are issued; verify the authenticity of the authorisation to participate in Congolese maritime traffic;…
Two new sections were added: Perception of penalties and statement; the remuneration of services provided.
The Multimodal Memorandum of Understanding shall be executed at sea, river, land and air borders. The term shall be one year renewable by tacit consent.
The Press office of the Minsitry of Finance
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