On the occasion of the opening of the training workshop on the reform of public finance governance, which is being held at the Kintélé International Conference Center (CIC), north of Brazzaville, from Monday June 12 to Friday June 16 2023, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Jean-Baptiste Ondaye, expressed the wish to set up “a Center for developing executive skills”, to meet the ongoing requirements of results-based management ( GAR).
This seminar, placed under the theme “Reform of public finance governance”, plans to develop, among other sub-themes:
“Leadership and change management”;
“Results-based management (RBM) and performance management”;
“The presentation of the macroeconomic framework and the performance imperative”;
“Leadership (observations, analyzes and risk factors”);
“The development of the logical framework on RBM and performance management”;
“The development of the logical framework on monitoring-evaluation and reform management”; etc.
Nearly 90 managerial executives take part in this seminar. They are divided into five groups, namely:
Leadership and management;
Resources and cash flow;
Expenses and debt;
Strategic support;
Control and audit.
Among the trainers involved, we note Congolese experts (Daniel Mikayoulou, Bernard Ngazo) and expatriates (such as Rosine Sori Coulibaly; Constant Zezé; Sylla Cheik Oumar).
These meetings aim to seek greater effectiveness and efficiency in the implementation of the reforms necessary to improve macroeconomic governance, as well as the rationalization of public finance management.
Four main results are expected from this meeting, by the Minister of the Economy and Finance: “Given that our ambition is to move towards a culture of performance, “I expect the following results from this meeting:
First, “lessons learned from the weaknesses of current practices;
Secondly, better understanding and appropriation of leadership tools, change management, results-based performance management, monitoring-evaluation and reform management”;
Thirdly, "the better understanding of the articulation between the Social Project of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Mr. Denis Sassou-N'Guesso, entitled (Together, let's continue the march), the Government Action Program (PAG) , the strategic vision of the Minister of the Economy and Finance and the various annual and multi-annual priority action plans”;
And, fourthly, “the amendment of the annual and multi-year action plans of the structures under the supervision of the Ministry and my own”, specified Jean-Baptiste Ondaye.
For the Congolese Minister of Economy and Finance, “the operationalization of the Society Project of His Excellency Mr. Denis Sassou-N'Guesso, President of the Republic, Head of State, declined into a National Development Plan (PND ) 2022-2026, requires strict observation of the principles and practices of good governance. In particular, in the vital sectors of the Economy and Public Finance.”
This is why he called on the managerial executives participating in this workshop to fully appropriate the tools, both theoretical and practical, which determine effectiveness and efficiency. Because, according to him, they play “a determining role in the process of implementing public policies”.
The Communication Unit of the Ministry of Economy and Finance
Photo credits : B2B Communication
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