Workshop on the information technology master plan

18 Aug, 2018

For three days, from Thursday 16th to Saturday 18th, August, 2018, at the Hotel  de la Concorde at kintele (northern suburb of Brazzaville), the director of the information systems of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, Guy Noel Londongo, has been chairing the proceedings of the workshop on the validation of the  information technology master plan of  the Ministry.


The workshop outcome document will be submitted to the meeting of the Steering Committee on the reform of the information system initiated by the Minister of Finance and Budget, honourable Calixte Nganongo,  said the chairman of the workshop.


The chairman was along with Aymard Andely,  CEO of Kube Technologie firm, who led the delegation of national and foreign African experts,  whose task was first to take stock,  draft the information technology  master plan  and suggest means  of improving the services related not only to the expenditure  chain  but also to the public finance chain. The accounting chain  and the follow-up and assessment one are also part of the process. 


The workshop is funded or  technically backed up  by the World Bank, represented by the project coordinator of integrated reforms  of public services, Noel Ngoulou. 


The participants are also following, among other presentations: " the cross feature of the information system department";  "  the integrated vision of  computer science and the main achievements at the level of the information  system, so as to take up  the challenges the Ministry of Finance and Budget is facing". The last presentation is : "How to make the information system department run in a better way?".


The debates are interactive and  lively in general and at the level of micro-workshops. The goal of the workshop is to draft an information technology  master plan to be considered as an urban, integrated, stable and secured  planning.  In a nutshell, the goal is to have a map of the services related to the process of implementation  of the Congolese State budget.



Press Department of the Ministry of  Finance
