COGELO SA, Congolaise de Gestion de Loterie (Congo Lottery Management), is a limited company whose commercial activity consists mainly of organizing bets on horse racing and games of chance throughout the national territory. Its share capital is 500 million FCFA, currently divided between the State of Congo, majority shareholder (90 percent) and the Fondation Congo Assistante, minority shareholder (10 percent).
Its mission is to collect part of the national savings to guide it towards economic and sociocultural objectives. La Congolaise de Gestion de Loterie (Congo Lottery Management) is under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance, Budget and Public Portfolio. It is administered by a Board of directors and managed by an executive management.
The resources of COGELO include:
Products from horse racing;
Instant lottery with scratch tickets;
Ball lottery;
Sport loto, with the Pari-foot.
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