The Directorate General of Budget Control, under the authority of its Director General, offers necessary technical assistance to the Minister on budget control, budget programming and execution of the budget of the State, local authorities and public institutions.
The Directorate General of Budget Control is made of:
The Directorate of service control and litigation
The Directorate of general control
The Directorate of administrative and financial affairs
Budget control delegations in Ministries and State institutions
Budget control delegations in public institutions
Municipal directorates of budget control.
All these institutions benefit from a daily logistic support:
From the executive secretariat, charged with the management of correspondence, data processing and reprography and treatment of other administrative documents.
From the computer service which defines computer needs, organises technical resources on computerised sites and manages the exploitation, maintenance and assistance of applications.
The Directorate General of Budget Control is specifically charged with:
Controlling the regularity of commitment and liquidation of expenditures and preventing budget risks
Handling and centralising the accounting of committed and liquidated expenditures
Handling statistics on the follow-up of payment schedules
Requesting the production of supporting documents for expenses paid without prior authorisation and ensuring their regularisation within prescribed time limits
Participating in the drafting of laws on budget reform
Following up the execution of credits and income of the State, local authorities and public institutions
Contributing to the prospection of income-generating activities
Participating in closure of funds for treasury accountants
Providing advice to Ministries, local authorities and public institutions
Giving opinion on management forecasting documents with financial implications
Proposing budget control delegates in constitutional institutions, administrations, public institutions and State corporations
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