Minister Christian YOKA exercises a particularly important function within the government of Congo. His role is extensive. He implements and monitors the execution of the policy initiated by the President of the Republic in financial, monetary, budgetary and public portfolio management matters. 

In this capacity, he is responsible for:

ensuring the application of financial, monetary and budgetary regulations; 

  • developing draft finance laws and draft settlement laws;
  • exercising control over the finances of the State, local authorities, public institutions and State holdings; 
  • managing and coordinating the activity of financial authorities; 
  • designing and proposing legislation in financial, accounting and budgetary matters; 
  • monitoring and participating in the regulation of the activities of credit, microfinance and foreign exchange institutions; 
  • managing international financial relations; 
  • developing and implementing budgetary and tax reforms; 
  • exercising financial supervision over all public enterprises; 
  • ensuring optimal management of the public portfolio;
  • acquire and manage State interests in companies; 
  • propose strategies for acquiring and selling State interests; 
  • carry out the economic and financial evaluation of rights, shares, social shares and obligations subscribed by the State; 

