Ministry of Finance and Budget - Launching of activities of the National Committee for public debt

04 Oct, 2018

Brazzaville, October 4th 2018, Henri Loundou, Director of cabinet of the Minister of Finance and Budget, representing Calixte Nganongo, his tutelage, officially lauched the activities of the National Committee for public debt (CNDP) in the meeting room of the said Ministry.  


« The reactivation of this Committee, on instruction from the Minister of Finance and Budget, aims to meet a great need for  coordinating the activities of domestic and external debt of our country ; such activities are currently disparate between several entities  », noted Henri Loundou.

CNDP is in charge of steering the debt overall strategy. Its core mission consists in developing, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the public debt national policy.  It is also responsible for ensuring the consistency of public debt policy with the development goals and the financial capacity of the State.

The re-updating of the public debt national Committee is also a major concern in the framework of the programme currently being negociated between Congo-Brazzaville and Bretton Woods institutions, particularly the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB).

The Director of cabinet of the Minister of Finance and Budget pointed out two urgent priorities to the members of committee, namely: updating the legal texts governing this institution ; and reflecting on a regular functioning modalities of CNDP (including at least a meeting per quarter).

Indeed, created by decree N°2008-56 of 31 March 2008, this body of the debt remained in complete hibernation during ten years to date. 


The Press office of the Ministry of Finance

Sub Category:CCA