The Directorate General of Budget, under the authority of its Director General who is the delegated authorising officer for the State budget in terms of non-tax revenue, assists the Minister in preparing, drawing up and executing the State budget and also for the follow-up of the said execution.
The Directorate General of Budget is made of:
7 main directorates concerning:
Administrative accounts;
Regulation and litigation;
Administrative and financial affairs;
Control of services;
And Departmental Directorates of Budget.
All these Directorates benefit from a daily logistic support:
From the executive secretariat, charged with the management of correspondence, data processing and reprography and treatment of other administrative documents;
From the computer service which defines computer needs, organises technical resources on computerised sites and manages the exploitation, maintenance and assistance of applications.
The Directorate General of Budget is specifically charged with:
Preparing yearly finance bills and amendments;
Participating in the drafting and update of macro-economic and budgetary frameworks and frameworks for medium term expenditure;
Following up execution of State budget;
Proposing measures for sanitisation of public finance ;
Ensuring the sincerity and regularity of commitment documents on expenditure;
Assisting administrations, public institutions and devolved local authorities in the management of their budget and in the drawing up of their administrative accounts;
Studying issues relating to budgetary reform;
Drawing up administrative accounts;
Having a mastery of litigation relating to the execution of State budget;
Collecting and centralizing data on issuance and recovery of budget revenues;
Issuing receipts for collection of non-tax revenue;
Prospecting on income generating activities in public administrations;
Proposing the creation of revenue authorities;
Managing the salaries of State agents;
Evaluating performance indicators;
Proposing regulatory reforms on budget issues;
Controlling the regularity of draft texts on the administrative situation of State agents and local staff of embassies, on evacuation on grounds of health, and any other document having a financial implication;
Following up the administrative positions of State agents and the evolution of budget posts.
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