Ministry of Finance and Budget - Meeting of restitution and approval of the General Report of the Workshops on the Public Finance Reform Strategy Paper

20 Nov, 2018

The Ministry of Finance and Budget, Calixte Nganongo, called on, Tuesday 20 November 2018 in Brazzaville, the directors general and the heads of service of financial authorities to take the train of the reform.  This reform is defined in the General Report of the workshops held from March 1 to April 11, which resulted in the preparation of the Comprehensive Public Financial Management Strategy Paper (2018-2022).


This call was launched in the course of his presentation to his director of cabinet, Henri Loundou, chairman of the reform committee, to whom he instructed to form a small team to draw up, within two weeks, final texts to be recorded in this global strategy paper.

I call on all the executives and agents of financial authorities, to seize this second chance to break with old practices and counter-values, the kind of delays at work or departure from work before the time, leaving only their supervisors in the office. A device for controlling and identifying each agent, by means of the fingerprint and the iris of the eye, will be put in place. I am the one who does not shrink from an option already taken. I will be uncomprising to anyone who does not take the train of reforms in motion, he warned. 

 The Minister Calixte Nganongo took this opportunity to recall that « without the computerization of the administration, there will never be securing State revenue, much less collection and quality expenditure”.

This reform of the financial administration or « editorial line » of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, is based on five pillars; namely: updating the legal framework and organizational charts of the sub-trust administrations; staff training; the interconnection of all financial authorities; the modernization of archiving and documentation infrastructure and documentation, and the redeployment of staff to avoid the plethora of services.   


The press Office of the Ministry of Finance
