Online payment of duties and taxes with EPAY CONGO

The integration process of the E-PAY-CONGO platform presented to financial players
11 Jun, 2020

A meeting to present the E-PAY-CONGO platform was chaired, Thursday 11 June 2020, in the Ministry of Finance in Brazzaville, by Sylvain Lékaka, Director of Cabinet of the Budget Minister Delegate, Ludovic Ngatsé.

This presentation, which was attended by representatives of credit institutions (especially banks) and microfinance institutions, was punctuated by a demonstration session of the E-PAY tool used to pay for a service (cash donation for example), given by the Director of Information Systems (DSI) of the Ministry of Finance and Budget, Guy Noël Londongo.

The objective of this working session was to get financial institutions to adhere to the integration process of the Congo E-PAY platform, which is not a means of payment but rather a gateway proposed by the Ministry of Finance and Budget, grouping together the various means of payment, such as: Airtel money, Mobile money, Net banking, Visa...

To put it plainly, the objective of the Ministry of Finance and Budget is to encourage users, i.e. all those involved in the payment process, to use modern means of payment, the advantages of which are presented in terms of :

- Firstly, on the side of the Ministry of Finance and Budget: securing the process of collecting State revenue;

- Secondly, for financial institutions: the reduction of congestion at bank counters, and the enrichment of the service offer to their customers; 

- Finally, on the user side: the facilitation of the various procedures which, in the past, were restrictive. Today, for example, one can pay one's electricity bill, taxes and customs duties without having to travel.

This meeting, said the Director of Cabinet, marks the launch of collaboration between the Ministry of Finance and Budget, and the financial actors of the country.


The Press Office of the Ministry of Finance
