Gaston Akobo, new General Manager
Gaston Akobo was appointed on May 04, 2017 by the board of directors at the head office of the com-pany located in Brazzaville. The following day, he was sworn into office by Armel Mbouloukoue, na-tional financial institutions, currency and debt Adviser representing honourable Calixte Nganongo, Minister of Finance, Budget and Public Portfolio.
Gaston Akobo graduated at the University of Lyon II, France, and is a top bank and finance executive. He came back to Congo in 1983. He started his career at the Union Congolaise des Banques(UCB), where he successively served as a Drafter of liabilities and a Delegated authority in charge of customers and then of companies. In the aftermath of the 1997 civil war which destroyed the Congolese capital city, Gaston Akobo went back to France where he worked for a subsidiary of AXA Group, a company involved in insurance. One year later, he came back home.
When the Societe Nationale des Petroles du Congo – SNPC (Congo Oil Company) was created in 1998, he was appointed Manager of a financial company called Filiale Financiere du Congo – FININCO. Some years later, he became part of the management of NSIA insurance company, where he served as a Business Manager for some years. Gaston Akobo is married, a father of four children and a practising chrisitian.
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