
National worskshop for the ownership of the recommendations of the validation report of ITIE-Congo office- The participants recommend the creation of space for dialogue between the civil society and the government

The workshop for ownership of the recommendations of the validation report  initiative for transparency in extractive industries(ITIE)-Congo took place on Friday, June 22, 2018 in Brazzaville. The participants recommended , among other things, the creation of space for dialogue between  civil society organizations  and the government.

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Presentation of EITI Congo 2015 Report - The State has collected more than 550 billion CFA francs from extractive businesses

The 2015 report on the Initiative for the transparency of extractive industries (ITEI)-Congo was published on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 in Brazzaville by Florent Michel Okoko, Chairman of the executive committee. The 16 pages document was drafted in December 2017 by Finergies, a French office, which had been selected as an independent administrator. It contains information on the state revenues from three sectors in which 134 companies are involved : hydrocarbons, mines and forests. 

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