
Towards the E-TAX project's entry into production

From Monday 15 to Friday 19 June 2020, in the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 45 tax managers and cashiers from the Large Enterprises Unit (UGE) and the Medium Enterprises Unit (UME) will be trained in the use of the E-TAX project (new Online Payment System for Duties, Taxes and Fees) which will soon replace the old SYSTAF system.

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13th meeting of the Steering Committee for Public Finance Reform Projects

Calixte Nganongo, Minister of Finance and Budget, chaired the 13th meeting of the Steering Committee (COPIL) for public finance reform projects, in the presence of his colleague Ludovic Ngatsé, Budget Delegate. The agenda covered the minutes of the Steering Committee of the previous meeting; the update on the SIGFIP (Integrated Public Finance Management System), E-TAX (Tax Management System) and NIU (Unique Identification Number) projects, the status of implementation of the reform projects, and miscellaneous.

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2nd Meeting of the EITI-Congo National Committee

The 2nd meeting of the National Committee of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) of the Republic of Congo was held at the Ministry of Finance and Budget, on Monday 8 June 2020, in Brazzaville, under the chairmanship of the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Finance and Budget, in charge of the Budget, Ludovic Ngatsé, representing Calixte Nganongo, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Committee. 

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Working mission in Pointe-Noire

The Minister of State, Minister of the Economy, Industry and Public Portfolio, Mr Gilbert Ondongo, Chairperson of the Task Force, and his colleague, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Finance and Budget, in charge of the Budget, Mr Ludovic Ngatsé, carried out a working mission to Pointe-Noire on 29 and 30 May 2020. 

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Awareness-raising workshop for the launch of the new Tax Management System (E-TAX)

Opened by Sylvain Lékaka, Director of Cabinet of the Minister Delegate in charge of the Budget, and closed by Ludovic Itoua, Director General of Taxes and State Property, the Awareness-raising workshop for the launch of the new Tax Management System (E-TAX), was held on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 in the conference room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brazzaville.

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National Solidarity Fund and Covid-19 Fund

Responding to the call of the Head of State, Denis Sassou-N'Guesso, launched on Saturday, March 28, 2020, to replenish the National Solidarity Fund and the Covid-19 Fund, the Congolese Football Federation (Fécofoot), the Eglise impact centre chrétien (ICC) in Brazzaville, Religious Confessions of Congo and the Rwandan Community of Congo contributed a total of 32 million CFA francs in cash. ​

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